Nude CrossFit

Hey guys - At the end of 2019, I started a new job in a new city in a new country. I viewed this as an opportunity to rethink and shake up my life routines -- including fitness. So, I have joined a CrossFit gym here and, after just one month, I am already addicted.

So my question is: does anyone know of anyplace where they do nude cross fit classes. To me, it seems like the ideal fitness regimen to practice nude. I know that one box in Denmark made a video of a nude cross fit class a few years ago, and got alot of publicity. But it turned out to be a publicity stunt. (see

I do not think there are any CrossFit studios that actually do this -- certainly hot where I live (in Prague, CZ). But, I am curious. It is something that I would love to experience.

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RE:Nude CrossFit

Haven't heard of any, but crossfit has a reputation of being more shirtless tolerant than most gyms, so you're half way there.

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RE:Nude CrossFit

Yes, I can confirm that. But I really dont feel like thats the same thing at all.

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