A Tale of Two Internet Provider Techs

I experienced two very different techs from our internet service provider in the past two days.

Yesterday, the service tech showed up without calling ahead. If he had, I would have asked the usual, "do I need to dress for the service call?" question. I don't mind doing that, they usually say no, it's cool. When he arrived, I answered the door nude. He asked, "so this sign's for real?", gesturing toward my Nudists Live Here sign. "Yeah, I'm not comfortable with that, Bro". I said, "just a minute", and went to put on my emergency clothes (shorts and a t-shirt). I was pissed off because of his reaction and the disgusted face he made when confronted with a nude man, so I was muttering to myself. Not cool, I'll admit. When I returned to the door, he was slamming his truck door shut and tearing off down the street. Bonus points: he charged us the $60 service call fee. I called the company to reschedule (and have the fee removed). An appointment was rescheduled for today.

Today's tech, Kevin, called ahead and I asked "the question". He told me it was my home and I should do what made me comfortable. I remained nude. He was completely nonplussed by my nudity. Super nice guy. He didn't ask many questions about the lifestyle, but we did crack a few jokes. We needed to go to the basement to check the equipment. After the check, I invited him to go up the stairs first, telling him it just seemed to be the polite thing to do. He laughed and thanked me. At another point he was telling me to expect a short break in service after he disconnects from our system. He said that many customers forget that information and chase him down the street yelling, "wait! what's going on!" Stone-faced I replied, "yeah, I probably won't be doing that". He found that very, very funny. Head-back-laughing funny.

I also told him it was a clothing optional home and if he'd ever wondered what it would be like to work nude, this was his opportunity. "Hey, thanks!! No one's ever offered that before!" He seemed genuinely grateful for the invitation. He was inside such a short time that he didn't take me up on the offer. I got the sense that if he had been inside for a longer appointment, he might just have joined my little nudist club.

As he was leaving, he apologized for yesterday's tech's behavior, saying Nudism is a lifestyle and he was wrong to react as he did. He also said we can request him, Kevin, specifically for future service calls. Even call him directly. Bonus points: no service call charge today.

I'm not bothered that I offended yesterday's tech. Take your intolerance and peddle it somewhere else, buddy.

I love being a nudist, I meet the nicest people. Gotta do some work on being less mouthy, but that's been true for a very long time.

Stay nude, my friends! -Scott

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RE:A Tale of Two Internet Provider Techs

Nice story with a happy ending.

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