World Nude Bike Ride -Montpelier VT 2020

We have started the planning of WNBR Montpelier in Montpelier VT. It is an established ride for a few years now. The 2020 ride is planned for June 13th. The course is along the river and through the capital city of VT. We even stop and do a group photo on the capital steps. The city is very supportive and accepting of the ride each year. We actually started a facebook page as https:// for more information if you are looking to join in the New England ride.

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RE:World Nude Bike Ride -Montpelier VT 2020

Montpelier ride will be held on 8/22/2020. Meet at 20 Dog River Rd at 1:00 ride at 2:00. There is also a walk.

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RE:World Nude Bike Ride -Montpelier VT 2020

Montpelier ride will be held on 8/22/2020. Meet at 20 Dog River Rd at 1:00 ride at 2:00. There is also a walk.

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