Quality of life or life.
Heart attack 3 years ago, 4 stints. Stints collapsed, quadruple bypass 2-1/2 years ago. Everything wonderful until a couple of months ago. Now being diagnosed with A-Fib. There is a procedure to cure it, but no elective procedures until after the Covid-19 issue is resolved. Dr. wants to put me on Amiodarone. Was on it immediately following the heart attack, and the side affects sucked. Fortunately got off of it after a couple of months. One of the major side affects is that exposure to the sun makes your skin turn blueish grey. I personally live for being out in the sun and couldn't imagine having to be covered from head to toe. So do I choose quality of life, and running free and naked, or do I choose life? By the way, I'm 63 and have done many wonderful things, and have no regrets. Any thoughts? No judgement, just curious about other opinions.
I was born with heart problems. I've been living with A-fib for a decade. You get to where you can feel when an attack is coming on. I just pull over (if driving) or lay down if able and wait it out. I find that taking deep breaths and holding for a second then letting out can put me back in rhythm. I'm 50.