Guess the percent

If you have decoded my nickname here, you know that I worked and will always think like an engineer.
So numbers and percents will always go through my mind.
What has that to do with nudist life? Well, we just started April so I decided to look back at March and see how much time I actually spent
in the buff in March. I started my calculations on March 13th because I was traveling before that. I looked back at my social distancing life and thought about the few times that I have ventured out. So with numbers recreated from memory and always erring on the side of over estimating clothed time, by my calcs i had spent 397 of the 456 hours naked. 87% !
With orders in place for all of April who knows those might jump but hopefully we will have temps warm enough to be outside. I can be naked in part of my yard but not all of it. And all of it needs some TLC after the winter's toll.

What percent do you think you got to enjoy in the buff?

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RE:Guess the percent

I'm going to say as a rough guess about the same. Maybe 80% or so. I did have to make a couple of trips to Lowe's and the grocery store. Both stores frown on naked shoppers. Other than that, nude is the norm here on the homestead. So glad I could retire where I can be "me" most of the time.

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RE:Guess the percent

I assume we are talking about time spent out of bed (I sleep naked). My textile son lives with me which limits nude time. He works 4 days a week (57% of the week). On those days I stay naked until 4.30 pm (7 hours). I'm then dressed until bed time (6 hours) so that's 7 out of 13 hours or 54% of the time spent naked. On the days he does not work I'm clothed throughout. Taking the two percentages together I only get to be naked on average for 31% of the time. For others like me - make the best of any nude time you get. Add in the time spent in bed and it goes up to 62%.

This is one reason I usually book into about 10 nude holidays each year. It gives a chance to catch up on nude time. But, with the Corona virus lock down many of them will be cancelled.

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RE:Guess the percent

What an interesting task! Will start with April 1, yesterday, from memory and log actuals the rest of the month.

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RE:Guess the percent

I have approx. 90% . Staying quarantined can be challenging. Went fishing once to get out and see the world. Otherwise doing things around the house. Have some fun!

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RE:Guess the percent

I will pass because grandson is staying with us.
Interesting idea for those who live alone or with an all adult household.

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RE:Guess the percent

We were nearly always naked when my son was growing up (as long as it was warm enough). Often, he was the only one naked when it was too cold for my wife and me.

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