What a cool topic and its been great to read all these posts. I have to share my two cents.... yes I think we should all try to work nude from home if feasible. My job wont allow it when Im actually there, but from home there are many opportunities I can do what I need to do nude. Even if I have to get on cam, I only put on a nice blouse or sweater (I gave up bras a long time ago).
I love how this is the first time in my life where I think I can truly embrace the nudist in me. When I get to marry my professional life and my personal life with nudity, I finally feel like a complete person, like my two halves are joined. Im loving it,... bah dah ba ba baaa sorry, corny joke, couldnt resist.
newdgurl wrote:. Even if I have to get on cam, I only put on a nice blouse or sweater (I gave up bras a long time ago).I love how this is the first time in my life where I think I can truly embrace the nudist in me.
It would be wonderful if we could all live that way. When I go answer the door, I put a robe on. When I go on cam, I'll put on a shirt or sweater and let people imagine that I'm fully dressed.
Remember, we're all naked under our clothes!
I participated in a zoom meeting last night wearing only a shirt...I also watched my church service last sunday live and totally naked. Bet i was the only one to do that in my congregation.
Ive been doing nude church services for 9 months. Its going to be strange if we ever get back to in person services.
I was in a Zoom meeting wearing a t shirt and my 5" inseam gym short. I stood up to get something and someone said "If you are in your boxers you shouldn't stand up." I just said "They're gym shorts" and sat down Should have said "I would never do that since I don't own underwear" but though that might be TMI.
I participated in a zoom meeting last night wearing only a shirt...I also watched my church service last sunday live and totally naked. Bet i was the only one to do that in my congregation.Ive been doing nude church services for 9 months. Its going to be strange if we ever get back to in person services.
I had about 2 months of remote only church last March - May. Sometimes nude and always shirtless.
When live services started again, I found the advantages of being there in person outweighed the burden of having to get dressed!
I worked in office environments for 30 years, so zero opportunity to work without any clothing. I then did consulting work from my home office for the next 13 years, most of my working time was in the nude. I had very little face-to-face interactions with my clients, as it was 95% +/- computer based work. Being nude certainly DID NOT affect my productivity. Actually just being at home and not having to deal with interruptions on a regular basis helped me maintain better focus on my work and get more done. Mostly, being nude just made the days go by much quicker and less boring. I retired several years ago and havent changed my ways, I am still able to be naked 11 to 12 hours a day (24 hr day), sometimes more, sometimes less. I have enjoyed being nude for as long as I can remember, it just feels good.
Did those of you who routinely work nude at home start as soon as you were working from home or go through a transition process when you dressed casually or partially dressed?
The lockdowns started in March, so it was too cold to work nude (I like keeping our heating bills lower more than I like working nude). As the weather got warmer I transitioned into working nude. But I was still working from our dining room table, so if the lawn guys showed up I at least put on shorts and a tee shirt. As it started getting colder again, I stopped working nude. When our company announced earlier this year that we were permanently moving to a hybrid model where we give up our permanent offices but can sign an office out when needed, I cleaned out my home office space so I could set up a proper office. As it got warmer again I went back to working nude while at home, and now can do so even while the lawn guys are here. We spent the long 4th weekend at a local nude resort and other than a couple of hours Tuesday and today that I had to go into the office, I've stayed nude all week since returning. My way of celebrating nude recreation week!