Working nude

I just got done painting my dining & living room nude , does anyone else like to work nude?

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RE:Working nude

I enjoy working in the nude whenever I can.

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RE:Working nude

Always prefer working nude.

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RE:Working nude

Absolutely. I renovated my entire home; 90% of the renovations were done while nude. It's definitely the best and most comfortable way to work.

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RE:Working nude

Yes, I work in the nude. I also did our house renovations naked, everything from painting to installing the new kitchen. Its the best way.

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RE:Working nude

Yes ,Absolutely I love working in the nude,I renovated my dad's house after he passed away. From the heavy end of the spectrum to the lightj end. It was out in the sticks I could work inside and outside . Inside I did plumbing,electrical, painted, drywalled, mudded and taped, I installed windows,,and doors. Painting was the best, then outside I put a new metal roof on siding, built a raised sidewalk. Cleared the brush that had taken over the trees. I also learned a lesson on metal roofs cover your goods or the are gonna fry. That sun glaring back up at my boys in the sack was sunburned bad. Yes I love to rotk naked. On some jobs I did have boots and safety glasses on sometimes gloves. But it was a great accomplishment and very freeing.

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RE:Working nude

Yes ,Absolutely I love working in the nude,I renovated my dad's house after he passed away. From the heavy end of the spectrum to the lightj end. It was out in the sticks I could work inside and outside . Inside I did plumbing,electrical, painted, drywalled, mudded and taped, I installed windows,,and doors. Painting was the best, then outside I put a new metal roof on siding, built a raised sidewalk. Cleared the brush that had taken over the trees. I also learned a lesson on metal roofs cover your goods or the are gonna fry. That sun glaring back up at my boys in the sack was sunburned bad. Yes I love to rotk naked. On some jobs I did have boots and safety glasses on sometimes gloves. But it was a great accomplishment and very freeing.

My brothers in law were roofers who use to work in very short shorts.
I wonder if enough sunlight got in to cause problems?

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RE:Working nude

Since I love being nude, I definitely love doing handyman type work nude as well. If I am able to do something nude, I absolutely will.

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RE:Working nude

I always paint in the nude. #1, it feels so good being nude and #2, why ruin the clothes that you would wear when painting. Never got paint on my penis, but I always wash it well. Lol

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