I'm a home brewer and prefer craft beers. Chill a bottle and pour into a unchilled glass. A frosty glass will dilute the beer. However it's to the taste of the person drinking. The warmer the beer the more flavor it has.
- 5 years ago
man a frosty glass of beer any kind at 33 degrees and will not turn it away LOL
- 5 years ago
It's winter here so I agree that the darker beers are more enjoyable then. I've been doing "dry July" here, no alcohol for the month and today is August 1 so I'm pretty happy. Have a few darker beers ready and cool but will savour them not gulp them down, quality not quantity. In the summer I like a lager, pale ale etc. and on a really hot day a pilsner is refreshing and good to drink but I like them really cold.
- 5 years ago
Do try Coopers Dark Ale! It's the best one I've found and I've tried many. A glorious flavour, rich chocolate undertone and not too strong in alcohol so you can enjoy a couple! Best poured into a glass to enjoy the aroma as you taste. Cheers
- 5 years ago
While breweries are always my favorite, lately I've really been trying to get out there and support these local spots, since I know they've been suffering through multiple shutdowns here in Florida. We have some pretty good craft brewers here in town, so next time you need a beach and beer vacation, come to Fort Lauderdale!
- 5 years ago
Usually in a bottle
- 5 years ago
I totally enjoy a Coopers Best Extra Stout all year round, also Gr8 for marinating meat.
- 5 years ago
I totally enjoy a Coopers Best Extra Stout all year round, also Gr8 for marinating meat.
I love stouts, so I'll be right down. Lol. One of my local breweries has an awesome Dry Irish Stout on nitro right now....so tasty!
- 5 years ago
Off the tap in a frozen mug is the preferred way. Usually prefer a bottle over a can but oddly prefer light beers in cans over bottles.
- 5 years ago
33 degrees F.. Kidding aside.. I prefer a bottle but I certainly wouldn't discriminate.
- 4 years ago