Considering going this summer

I am considering going to Sunny Rest this summer, hopefully by then this pandemic will be not at severe and the stay at home order(s) will be relaxed. Next, since I joined the AANR, I got a free pass for a day visit and would like to use it. My main question for visiting Sunny Rest, is it a favorable course of action to visit the resort alone or is it better to go in a group of friends? Thank you!

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RE:Considering going this summer

I went alone for a day and it was OK, but a group would have been better.

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RE:Considering going this summer

If we go, will we hafta wear a mask?

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RE:Considering going this summer

We're already booked for the weekend of August 21st-23rd. We purposely booked as far out as possible in the hopes that there will be a better course of public action in the next few months. Totally not against wearing a mask, but the social distancing thing will be hard to abide by in certain areas like the volleyball courts and the nightclub. The line is already crazy long at Streakers during happy hour, imagine what it will be like if we have to stay 6 feet apart from each other, LOL! This current health situation has put a damper on ALL of our fun activities. But as long as everyone stays healthy, we can have a good time anywhere. Let's still have fun!

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RE:Considering going this summer

Thanks for the feedback! It should be interesting to see how things progress. I would appreciate any future feedback from actual visits! I hope to get there in June, but with restrictions it seems less likely! :-(

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RE:Considering going this summer

I've learned recently the the 5k is back on June 27th due to the county going "green!" I may not be ready for it, but will be there! No tanning salons, so I've been laying out 20 mins per day, when I can, in my back yard! I've never done that before since I am fair skinned, but I'm fairly confident I won't be seen by nosey neighbors! I hope it works - I was accused of being too "white" last year! In my defense, I've got great little tans, in little spots, all over my body! ;-)

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RE:Considering going this summer

Saturday.... this Saturday!

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RE:Considering going this summer

Let's hope the weather holds and we have a great day!!

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