We deleted several friends on our list
We've become concerned about all the fake profiles. It is too easy to post fakes. It is not hard for someone to find a series of pictures of a real couple or individual and post the pics as themselves. Its easy to get certified by sending admin clothed and nude pics of the person holding a sign, so that became our minimum criteria. If someone was certified but their pics didn't have a good picture of their face, we deleted them too. The TrueNudist certification system isn't perfect, but its better than nothing. A better system would be to place the picture of individuals holding their sign nude where all certified members could see them. That may discourage some of the lurkers who comply with the rules knowing that they can still post fake pictures in their profile.
My qualifications for becoming a friend are higher. I have to actually know the people in real life or at least emailed/chatted with them several times. Keeps the friends list short but at least I know my friends!
fakers have all the time beeing a problem, also on aol chat 12 years ago and you just have to have an open mind, open eyes and a sensitive sense. planetromeo has a system that let's the user save someone as known, but works only good if you're in a crowded area, dudesnude has the same system as truenudes with the picture of someone with the screen, but the ask also for an id-code which have to have also on that picture.... bottom line, keep you're eyes & sense open and hear to you're stomache-feeling!