The term junk use re male genitals
Whereas here in the UK we talk about a man's .'crown jewels' lve commonly read of the term 'junk' instead. To my thinking that at best seems odd at worst some form of body dismorphia or self hatred. What are others thoughts or preferences, ? Btw Im not referring to pet nicnames etc but the use of such negative terminology for something so awsum as the male genitalia.
- 5 years ago
I completely agree with you. I'm offended by the use of "junk" to refer to a male's genitals, or any derogatory term for any body part. The human body is a beautiful, miraculous wonder and such disrespect is horrible.
- 5 years ago
I also completely agree. My genitals (Penis, scrotum, testicles, balls, cock, dick or other pet names) are not 'Junk". Why use such a derogatory term, unless you are embarrassed by them?
- 5 years ago
Nothing about the human body is junk.
- 5 years ago
The word 'junk' to describe a man's genitals is not offensive to me. I think it is kind of cute. Then again, I am an American. With Trump as president (douche) we have to have a sense of humor.
- 5 years ago
I'm not referring to pet nicknames etc.
His name is George.
Called home from work one day and instead of saying anything when my wife answered the phone, just breathed heavily. She asked excitedly, "Is that YOU George?"
From then on, he was called George.
- 4 years ago
I actually prefer using the correct and proper ENGLISH words for those body parts. The words that are generally accepted as being proper and mostly crude Latin slang. So, I use cock, bag, and balls.
Penis is latin for tail. The correct Latin word is coles.
Scrotum means leather quiver.
Testicles means witness or testify.
- 4 years ago
I don't typically use the term "junk" but I am not offended at other people using it.
- 3 years ago
I guess it's kinda self deprecating, but I don't mind it. Don't recall using it myself, though.
- a year ago