
I am russ - I have been a friend of Bill W since Feb 15 1973. A nudist for most of my life and socally nude for little over 10 years.

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RE: Introduction

I'm a FOBW; my last relapse occurred on September 17, 1988; my name is Joel.

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RE: Introduction

38 years this year! Congratulations, Russ....

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RE: Hi

Welcome Gloshairyman. 8 years - great.

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RE: Hi

first became a friend of bills in '78. then on july 4th wkend that yr. had to do a bit more experimenting. by that evening. i was talking to him again and have maintained our friendship ever since. hi to all of bills friends who are also nudists and willing to admit it. have been a closet nudist (at home most of my life) just beginning to try to venture out into the world. im 65 and know absolutely nothing about computers and now trying but guess i cant learn or try any younger

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RE: Introduction

My name is Wayne and a friend of Bill's since March 8, 1980. My home group is "We Agnostic" in Washington DC.

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