Weird question, probably been asked before.....

Okay, I am only pretty new to this site, not nudism itself but I would like some help understanding how to describe myself to others here. I am a married man that has been into nudism for decades but my wife has no interest in the lifestyle so I attend resorts alone only looking for friends and like minded people. So am I really single? Couple but alone? Or some other team I havent come across yet.
Any help with this would be great. Thx!

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

Yes there are hundreds of threads and numerous groups on the site covering that very topic. Do a little search on those in the forums and seek some of those groups pertaining to it might be some support to you.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

I think what you've done is exactly right - you are an individual member of TN who lists their status as "married." That's really common. Some folks - and some resorts - will tend to assume that means you're looking, but the people you want to know - who completely understand that one might enjoy being naked in company without having the least interest in stepping beyond their marriage relationship - will get it.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

Lone male is a term weve used.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

Here's group for you to check out that may answer some of your questions.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

I am also married to a woman who has no interest in nudity and is rarely nude at home.
She is fine with me being nude in the house and inside the privacy fence in the back yard when we are home alone.
She has gone back and forth on me closing the back curtains and sunning and swimming nude when she has friends in the house. She is OK with me doing so when our adult son who lives with us has male company.
She is aware that I go to nude beaches sometimes, but not sure she realizes that "sometimes" is whenever I go to the beach alone.
Only gone to a resort once, and that was for an afternoon visit when I was in the area for another reason.
I don't want to be away from her overnight just so I can be socially nude.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

Don't make the question seem weird. If you respect your marriage, you are "married". Using any other term my be taken as "available".

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

I'd say you're a married nudist. Spouse non-nudist. Not unusual.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

Your legal/relationship status for this site is "married". As far as resorts, they are likely to consider any unescorted male "single," but that's another story.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

'I' am married & clearly indicate as such. My Wife is fully aware of my nudist lifestyle & interaction with others. Even though she has NO interest in participating in the lifestyle, she freely supports mine & has even met some of my nudist friends. As a longtime member of AANR, I planned to join my local AANR approved Club. For more than a year before I relocated I was in communication w the Club; even meeting some of the officers when they had an open membership drive at our local nudist venue while visiting here.
After my relocation I contacted the Club & arranged a meeting with one of their officers. My Wife accompanied me & the meeting started off great. Everything went well until the Club officer learned that my Wife would only attend textile events. Our meeting ended with the understanding that she would speak to the Membership Committee & get back to me. A day or so later I got a response saying that they were sorry to inform me that they were adhering to their policy to uphold their ban on "lone single males" new members. Explaining that the ban is due to the fact they they don't want the other female members to feel intimidated.
The POINT of my rather long post is that even though 'I' declare myself as "married" it seems in some circles (nudist) if you don't meet a certain criteria you are automatically deemed "lone single male" by THEM. Their Club; their rules.

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RE:Weird question, probably been asked before.....

I would say if you are married you put married, if you are not then you dont.

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