completely naked without shame

Hi everyone, I'm Andrea from Italy. I am very happy to be able to introduce myself to you all completely naked. I am not ashamed to be seen like this, totally without clothes, entirely naked. I wish I had female and male friends who aren't embarrassed to be completely naked. I would be happy to have visits to my profile and to my photos and friend requests. I have an aesthetic problem as I explain in my profile, but this does not stop me but rather pushes me to show everyone how I am and be so accepted. I hope to receive visits and friend requests from all of you.

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RE:completely naked without shame

i agree 100%

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RE:completely naked without shame

How are you doing? Here in Idaho things are going ok. Virus still a major concern. Weather getting warmer and warmer. Just celebrated nude gardening day which I had a lot of fun. Changed my back yard around a bit. Next week is my annual checkup. (Cancer free somewhat - LOL). Otherwise just updating my movie collection. Have some fun! Dennis

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RE:completely naked without shame

I enjoy being nude and it doesent matter if I am by myself or with a group or only one it's relaxing and fun

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RE:completely naked without shame

We are in Arizona. Its getting ready to get hot again. 107 today, getting my camping trailer ready, to go up north into the cooler Pines.
Walking around naked in the pines is amazing. By my self or with others its still amazing. No shame should be associated with nudism . You are not hiding anything. Matter of fact I have a smile on.

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RE:completely naked without shame

Shame, what shame!? Here in the UK Naturists are recognised as a minority belief group who's human rights are defended. We have been compared with minority religions, vegans etc. As a result it is not illegal for a naturist to go about his daily life without clothes. There is a proviso - we must not set out to cause alarm or distress. I for one am considerate of those around me and don't flaunt my nudity. There is a world of difference between consideration and shame.

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RE:completely naked without shame

The nudist places we go to most often are local clothing-optional beaches. Because these are public places we get walkers and other textiles passing by us and a mix of nude and textile people sunbathing on the beach. Sometimes the people on the beach are all nude, sometimes its nearer a 50:50 mix. Because we've been going nude there for many years no matter what the ratio between naked and clothed people is there we're nude, we go there for the nudity, its who we are, nudists. We know a good number of the other regular nudist beach users there so its a rare occasion if we're not among other nudists. It is completely normal for us to be naked without any shame among these mixes of nudists and textiles. We're appreciate that we're lucky to have nearby places where we can be nude like that, its liberating when we can be our preferred naked selves irrespective of who else is there. Previously we have lived in a big city far from anywhere we could regularly be nude outside in public, that was frustrating at times. As Olly mentioned in the UK our right to be nude in public is recognised by law, though a lot of textiles don't understand this still. Nudists don't tend to wander naked in our town centres(its possible that that could be interpreted as causing alarm), nor do we flaunt it, we just do similar things to most textiles, but more comfortably without any clothing. It is good to know that while we find nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about being nude among other people the law is on our side should anyone try to tell us to get dressed. Being nude in public is very easy to get used to.

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RE:completely naked without shame

I am never embarrassed to be naked, and certainly not ashamed. In fact, for the last few weeks, I've had builders, neighbours, and delivery men coming in and out of the house, and it has been perfectly natural for me to be naked.

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RE:completely naked without shame

Same here I'm always naked as soon as I get home and I'm naked in the backyard as well.. I have no problem being naked in front of others either as long as it's an appropriate place that I am allowed to be nude

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