what region

what part of upstate? rochester here.. anyone go to empire haven?

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Hello, Greetings from Hudson.

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RE: what region

Syracuse 1/2 the year, boat in 1000 Islands 1/2 the year

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RE: what region

Syracuse here....and yes I've been to Empire a few times.....I love it there

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RE: what region

Syracuse here, but Empire is usually too expensive. So I go south of Labrador Mountain and just enjoy the woods on my own. Along the Finger lakes trail

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RE: what region

Elmira area here.Have never been to Empire Haven.Would like to visit there sometime.I have been to Bare Lake nudist club in Caton (near Corning).

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RE:what region

I am a member of Empire Haven and go there 3 to 4 times a year. During the festival I try to stay for a few days. Lots of interesting and fun people!

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RE:what region

Just south of Albany.

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RE:what region

Bloomfield NY here. Been to Empire Haven once. Also go to Stephs Pond

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RE:what region

Rochester here, as well. Have never been to Empire Haven, but have been to several other nudist camps

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RE:what region

Syracuse here.. also get to the Rochester Swims first Sat of the month.. and naked camping in PA at Hillside Campgrounds. want to check out Empire Haven someday soon!

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