RE:Shaved & Circumcised?lol :-) and I think that a mushroom head sounds better than a carrott head lol
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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?lol :-) and I think that a mushroom head sounds better than a carrott head lol
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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?A mushroom shaped glans is quite rare often it is the result of an early and complete circumcision which allows the glans to flare out unrestrained by the frenulum or foreskin. Perhaps because of its rarity, it is very attractive.
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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?And I would see that as a benefit of being circumcised. One of many :-)
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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?I have somewhat of a mushroom head. Always been happy with the shape.

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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?NudePaul2010;Did you have your penis tattoed?How was that? It seems it would be painful?Is it a different design when erect?
Yes it is tattooed. Lightning bolts that "grow when I get erect. It was painful but not unbearable. Starburst on the glans hurt like hell! Here is flaccid and erect.

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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?Circumcised after birth and smooth, I started shaving in 1999, I had to shave my balls for my vasectomy, loved the smooth feel, shaved the rest and went to different designs for 10 years... in 2009 or 2010 I had laser hair removal.... It's fantastic and silky smooth
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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?Being hairy all over, being totally shaved around my penis may look a bit odd but I do have a light trim especially when going to naturist beaches, I like to clearly show I'm circumcised, most places I go they are uncut
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RE:Shaved & Circumcised?Being hairy all over, being totally shaved around my penis may look a bit odd but I do have a light trim especially when going to naturist beaches, I like to clearly show I'm circumcised, most places I go they are uncut
I personally like that look myself. Im hairy all over (though not to the same level as you sadly!!) and regularly totally shave my pubes as I like the contrast of it being totally smooth there. And I think it looks good with having a little cut cock
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