Giving strength to be naked around others

We made our first decision to get naked around others when we were in Barcelona Spain about 7 years ago. We were interested in getting naked around others, but were a little shy at first. So, being in a foreign country was the thing we needed. The apprehension was big, overthinking it and what-if I popped a woodie was on my mind as we just decided to go for it. It was totally liberating and changed our lives, to the point where we always look forward to being naked with cool friends and others whenever we can. Our open Naked Adventures as we call them has given way to stronger sexual feelings for one another in our lives. We are totally cool with our Naked Adventures and love the effect it has on our personal intimacy as well. We openly encourage, no... we say to you Try it and see that youll love it too. If you dont find it to be exactly like we say, let us know. Or better yet let us know either way. Thanks for reading and responding. Also, looking forward to seeing more of all of you. Chuck & Gail from Bonita Springs FL

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