The naked truth about on-screen nudity: women dont like it, guys

"But how were they supposed to refuse how is anyone?

Nude scenes are loaded with pressure: first, wanting the job; then wanting to be
perceived as a team player. All laudable, but it shouldnt involve taking your clothes off.
As it is, certain men weirdly seem to presume that they have a right to see women naked."

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RE:The naked truth about on-screen nudity: women dont like it, guys

Would nude scenes be necessary to tell the story? Likely not. movies and TV have done so for decades. What is in question here is why does most of the nudity on the screen concentrate on female breasts? If there was a cultural change to enable women to willingly go topless in the places it has become legal without them being harassed, I think the demand for nudity in film would diminish. We nudists love the feeling of being naked. Most of the rest of the world loves nudity for the visual thrill it provides. If more people were allowed to be naked in more places, this would probably not be an issue.

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RE:The naked truth about on-screen nudity: women dont like it, guys

It has always bothered me that nudity onscreen is usually a gendered thing, typically presenting females to the male gaze, with exceptions often the result of women or gay men involved in the production, but almost always reflecting the sexualities of the filmmakers or presumed audience. That's clearly not a plot-driven thing.

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RE:The naked truth about on-screen nudity: women dont like it, guys

Just another thought that brings up another question. Are the women who are complaining about having to work nude wearing the skimpiest of bikinis or the sheer gowns on the red carpet? The strategically placed patches of cloth that cover a nipple and pubic area are not much different than being nude.

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