Beware National Wildlife Refuges
Most of us are aware the Bureau of Land Management does not have any specific law or rule addressing nudity on the land under it's jurisdiction. So unless the local sheriffs department wants to enforce a state or county law, National Forests and National Monuments are considered good places to enjoy nude hiking. Until recently I was not aware that this is not the case on National Wildlife Refuge land.
50 CFR 27.83 Indecency and disorderly conduct.
Any act of indecency or disorderly conduct as defined by State or local laws is prohibited on any national wildlife refuge.
There is a recent post here on the TN Legal Issues forum by someone that was cited on refuge land for being nude. He was alone but recorded on a trail camera and later contacted the NWS and cited. This is a violation offense with a maximum fine of $500 and no jail time. Anyone interested in the details can read it in the forum post but I thought I would post here in case anyone who hikes on refuge land had missed it. It's interesting that the BLM and NWR system both fall under the Department of Interior but operate under different rules when it comes to nude recreation. If you hike nude on NWR land be aware of the rules.
I bet it still comes down to the local managers. For someone to go that far to track down someone, they must have had a problem with naked people. What's indecent? If no one sees you is it indecent, or if your intent is not to be seen? I guess if you show up on a wildlife camera, you've been seen. What I want to know is how they tracked him down. By tattoo?
So it wasn't a "wildlife" camera, they had the parking lot under surveillance. I'll give them some credit and guess they were having problems. People partying and trashing the place, or something, or may be even poaching. They just happen to catch an unsuspecting nudist. Rough. Makes me think of one trail I like hiking. They might be studying wildlife and people use this summer. I might just avoid it for awhile.
From the thread, he mentioned the camera was in the parking lot and his license plate was in view of the camera. So, the officer (or whatever) tracked him down using the plate.
That is why I don't remove my shorts until I'm out of view of the parking lot. I've considered leaving my shorts in the car so I don't have to carry them but I can never tell what traffic will be in the parking lot when I return.
From the thread, he mentioned the camera was in the parking lot and his license plate was in view of the camera. So, the officer (or whatever) tracked him down using the plate.
That is why I don't remove my shorts until I'm out of view of the parking lot. I've considered leaving my shorts in the car so I don't have to carry them but I can never tell what traffic will be in the parking lot when I return.