Longing for segregated male nude places

Hi! Who else out there hates the fact that its virtually socially unacceptable for men to have their own gyms or segregated spaces in gyms where they can workout and hang nude? Women have infiltrated everywhere, eg, the Y. There are gyms that have special women only sections, but of course no men only areas. Saunas, jacuzzis, and steam rooms now have to be all co-Ed (or as in the case of LA Fitness, the saunas are in the mens locker room, but you cant sit totally nude). Maybe us nude male bonding types need to crowd fund a chain of male only gym clubs or is that against the law now? Rick

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RE:Longing for segregated male nude places

I am absolutely on the same page with you, brother. No all male spaces, (except for collegiate fraternities, and even some fo those are coed). But no more Boy Scouts......it is Scouts (coed) or Girl Scouts. There are women's-only gyms but no men's. For a while I belonged to a private gym (men's only) that was privately owned and it was great. Had to wear shorts and shoes in the weight rooms, but sauna, steamroom, lap pool were clothing optional, and they even had a small sundeck where you could sun nude (when they weather cooperated. BUT private gyms still need to meet all health codes and inspections, and the pool and hot tub upgrades and maintenance drove it out of business. It was amazing, and certainly would be worth finding a group of like minded men to establish something like that, even something small.

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RE:Longing for segregated male nude places

Yes, the over-regulation of the clubs makes it hard for them to operate profitably. But I agree even a small club, men only, clothing optional (or nudity required) would be awesome.

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RE: Longing for segregated male nude places

Youre very fortunate to have a place like that.

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RE:Longing for segregated male nude places

Yes, the over-regulation of the clubs makes it hard for them to operate profitably. But I agree even a small club, men only, clothing optional (or nudity required) would be awesome.

Would you want it to be clothing optional everywhere or just in the pool and sauna?

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RE:Longing for segregated male nude places

Hi! Who else out there hates the fact that its virtually socially unacceptable for men to have their own gyms or segregated spaces in gyms where they can workout and hang nude? Women have infiltrated everywhere, eg, the Y. There are gyms that have special women only sections, but of course no men only areas. Saunas, jacuzzis, and steam rooms now have to be all co-Ed (or as in the case of LA Fitness, the saunas are in the mens locker room, but you cant sit totally nude). Maybe us nude male bonding types need to crowd fund a chain of male only gym clubs or is that against the law now? Rick

Public space is regulated by human rights law. Gender exclusion is not legal unless you are running a private establishment most places. I'm definitely for male only nude space... private clubs still have this. Some nudist groups. Bathhouses with gyms. And after hours rental at Y or Uni facilities. No nudity in the gyms or pools but it's male only if you want. They have a policy in both cases to ban nude swimming and working out in almost every gym now. To your point if you want men only gyms they will have to be private. Members only. Annual dues. BoD and not for profit corporation status. Insurance is killer in this scenario.

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RE:Longing for segregated male nude places

Hi! Who else out there hates the fact that its virtually socially unacceptable for men to have their own gyms or segregated spaces in gyms where they can workout and hang nude? Women have infiltrated everywhere, eg, the Y. There are gyms that have special women only sections, but of course no men only areas. Saunas, jacuzzis, and steam rooms now have to be all co-Ed (or as in the case of LA Fitness, the saunas are in the mens locker room, but you cant sit totally nude). Maybe us nude male bonding types need to crowd fund a chain of male only gym clubs or is that against the law now? RickPublic space is regulated by human rights law. Gender exclusion is not legal unless you are running a private establishment most places. I'm definitely for male only nude space... private clubs still have this. Some nudist groups. Bathhouses with gyms. And after hours rental at Y or Uni facilities. No nudity in the gyms or pools but it's male only if you want. They have a policy in both cases to ban nude swimming and working out in almost every gym now. To your point if you want men only gyms they will have to be private. Members only. Annual dues. BoD and not for profit corporation status. Insurance is killer in this scenario.

Most gyms I've joined have been private with monthly and annual dues so it shouldn't be a problem. But where I'm at there are plenty of male only bathhouses, and the Korean spas are gender segregated. As you said there are bathhouses with gyms, and I don't see how those are different than what's being asked for.

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RE:Longing for segregated male nude places

I was under the impression that male bathhouses had a sexual element.
Some men would like to work out nude in a place that does not.

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