Urology problems

Since turning 40, I have had lots of problems with my urological system and wetting at night in my sleep. I have had many exams where doctors and nurses and some medical students have seen me semi-naked from the waist down (embarrassing enough as I am not well endowed) . I have had several cystoscopies for determining factors relating to UTI's, a couple of Urodynamic tests where due to my overactive bladder, I pee'd on the couch they had me lay on whilst they ultrasounded my bladder and most embarrassingly a Voiding Cystourethrogram, where 2 nurses, a specialist and a student where in the room whilst they examined my bladder and urethra while the bladder fills and empties. Using a liquid that can be seen on x-ray filled my bladder through a catheter until I felt the need to pee. I had to stand up naked in front of an X-ray machine, whilst images were taken before, during, and after peeing. They had to do this test several times due to me not being able to hold as much fluid as they needed due to my overactive bladder.

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