
I was fortunate to have an unexpected nude encounter with a Spectrum technician with positive interaction. Unbeknownst to me, my Spectrum TV and internet system can notify the company when there is an issue with the system (I had no clue!). Naturally, being a hot, humid day in Florida, I was working around my home nude when I received an unexpected knock on the door. When I answered the door, it was surprising to find a Spectrum technician , tools in hand, ready to enter. My first impression was he had arrived at the wrong address, and I explained there was no issue with my tv or internet. He apologized for no one having notified me prior to his arrival, and educated me on the ability of my system alerting them to a problem.

Politely, he offered to return at another time if I was busy. I advised him the time was perfect and I was a nudist, to which replied "no problem! I am a guest in your home."

He was in my home for about a hour, while I continued to work nude. He was very pleasant and easy to talk with, asking many questions about my nudist lifestyle and entertaining me with several stories of interesting encounters with unusual customers.

Upon his departure, I thanked him for his acceptance and tolerance of my nudism, as well as, his skill to repair my cable/internet system. Much to my delight, his final statement; " it's your home, you have the right to live the way the way you choose. "

This is another great example of a successful and pleasant nudist encounter with a textile. The experience was much smoother and easier simply with honesty; not running around half-dressed , looking all frazzled and nervious. Remaining upfront and transparent about my nudism, and an intelligent, polite, accepting individual made this unexpected visit very pleasant!

Stay safe! Stay Naked!

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