Friend codes
Put your friend codes here so people can add you!
My friend code is 6751-1000-4254 for anyone wanting to add. Just message me so I know :)
- 5 years ago
What are the friend codes for?
- 5 years ago
That's for PoGo !?
- 5 years ago
So you can play with people online, see what games theyre playing, how long theyve played ect.
Easier for battling, trading, visiting in certain games :)
- 5 years ago
My FC is 3812-9556-4891
- 5 years ago
Here is my friend code if anybody would like to add me.
If you could, message me on here so I know who's adding me.
Thank you.
- 5 years ago
Hi. You guys the friend codes expire after each session. ;)
- 4 years ago
Hi. You guys the friend codes expire after each session. ;)
Friend codes from the console itself shouldn't expire, they stay the same
Maybe you meant in-game codes like the ones you get when opening gates in Animal Crossing? ^^
- 4 years ago
I sent you an invite.
- 2 years ago