Nursing Experience

I used to be a nurse and have had many experiences examining naked men in various levels of consciousness. I also used to do "prep shaves" for hernia ops and penis enlargements. These needed to be thorough. Navel to knee and all the nooks and crannies in between. I became somewhat of an expert. I like to think my patients enjoyed the experience. Surgery is never nice so I always tried to be very gentle and help them relax by reassuring them. I do enjoy the human body and I also prioritise health so, I enjoy giving full examinations to make sure people are healthy. Any other nurses on here?

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RE:Nursing Experience

One of my most exposed moments was at the hands of a prep nurse. I was getting a new heart valve and expected to loose the dozen chest hairs. I did not expect him to go lower and take off my pubes and the hairs on the inside of both legs above and below the knee " just in case" to quote him. Not what I wanted to hear before they knocked me out. All went well and only the chest was opened and I healed up quicker than I thought I would

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RE:Nursing Experience

When I had my hernia surgery I was surprised that they did not shave me before the surgery. After I woke up I found out they did shave me and the nurse said they typically only shave the pubic area after the patient is knocked out.

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