A Tan Penis and Scrotum

Mid July. The summer is in full tilt. And I have been working diligently on my 'no tan line' tan. Its the first time in my life that my penis and scrotum are getting a color all their own. Laying naked has given my junk a different sort of color. Not a golden brown tan, but more of a plum color. Have you sun worshipers notice this as well? What is the color of your tan penis and scrotum?

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RE: A Tan Penis and Scrotum

Mine has also gotten more of a plum-color. I love the way the sun's rays feel on this part of my body. Almost feels like my inner solar batteries are getting recharged.

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RE:A Tan Penis and Scrotum

My penis/foreskin tans the same as my body but my scrotum gets a lighter, pinkish color.

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RE:A Tan Penis and Scrotum

My penis is a plumb color too much darker and my balls are a bit lighter. Have zero tan lines. I love the sun all over my body and enjoy the warmth and energy I get from being outside nude. Get too hot just jump in the pool!!

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RE:A Tan Penis and Scrotum

I have been working diligently on my 'no tan line' tan. Its the first time in my life that my penis and scrotum are getting a color all their own.

Be careful when tanning a new area for the first time. Parts which have been previously tanned have a little more protection. And you wouldn't want to get those particular parts burnt and sore.

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RE:A Tan Penis and Scrotum

Took this pic today.

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RE:A Tan Penis and Scrotum

" . . external factors especially friction can affect pigmentation after puberty. When the skin experiences friction, it naturally thickens to protect itself, she explained. And so, genital darkening occurs in men who wear tight clothing, shave their genitals or experience an itch or infection that results in rubbing and scratching. "
The article goes on to say it can be a sign of a pending medical condition.
See the entire article in the Daily Mail
Personally, I have never had the issue even when darkly tanned head to toe.

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