My Naked Experiences

I remember I was having the mushroom shake in Indonesia in Gilli Islands and felt so high. I felt lovely to flash woken cycling on the road at night time. I would see them come from a distance. Pull my clothes out and walk as if I was anyway walking naked. The thrill of having women laugh at me or photographing me turns me on. I remember gate crashing a beach party and they invited me to join them by the fire inside a resort as I made my way to the sea, buck naked. I allowed them to take my back posing with the women. Any such experiences?

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RE:My Naked Experiences

Last night was a warm summer night that I had enjoyed in the nude at home. Before bedtime I went outside for a refreshing stroll around the yard in the dark. After a bit I was out front on the driveway then went out to the road naturally. After a pause I decided to walk down the road some in the nude. I went about a hundred yards enjoying the warm summer night on my bare body. It felt great and a bit daring with no places to hide if a car happened by but fortunately none did. After a bit I wandered back to my yard and did a final circuit Around before going inside to bed. It was fun and liberating to be out on the warm pavement in the nude.

Wow that sounds fantastic. Would have loved to have been there and join you

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RE:My Naked Experiences

With the warm summer that we have been having, I have for a while now enjoyed having my morning coffee sitting naked in our backyard. I am generally an early riser (usually up at 5 or 5:15) so have had no concerns about any neighbors seeing me from their second story windows as no one else seems to be up at that time even though it has been light at that time. For the past few days, I have decided to venture to the front of our house to enjoy my morning coffee naked there as the sky begins to lighten up. We have a small seating area that is well screened though not entirely out of view. I find it so relaxing and refreshing being out au natural in the morning air and have found it even more exhilarating being naked enjoying my morning coffee in the front yard. All in all, a great way to start the day.

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RE:My Naked Experiences

With the warm summer that we have been having, I have for a while now enjoyed having my morning coffee sitting naked in our backyard. I am generally an early riser (usually up at 5 or 5:15) so have had no concerns about any neighbors seeing me from their second story windows as no one else seems to be up at that time even though it has been light at that time. For the past few days, I have decided to venture to the front of our house to enjoy my morning coffee naked there as the sky begins to lighten up. We have a small seating area that is well screened though not entirely out of view. I find it so relaxing and refreshing being out au natural in the morning air and have found it even more exhilarating being naked enjoying my morning coffee in the front yard. All in all, a great way to start the day.

Your name got my attention.
No one can be literally never dressed but I assume you dress as rarely as possible.
How much time do you wear anything in a average month/
I checked out your profile page and noticed that you are at the age where you may be retired or at least thinking about it.
If you are working now how often do you think you will dress when you retire?

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