Hanging out with nudist friends

Hi all Western new York nudists. I was just wondering if there is any nudists in the area around Buffalo that just want to meet ,get to know each other and actually hang out, become friends? I have a few nudist buddy's already but everyone don't always have the time so I would like to expand my circle of nudist friends. Male. Female, couples it doesn't matter to me. We're all nudists and all enjoy the lifestyle but let's face it, it's better hanging out with others than it is by yourself. Anybody interested in becoming friends please let's get together. Let's become friends. Leave me a message on my page. Thanks, take care and stay bare people.

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RE:Hanging out with nudist friends

Thanks buddy and I had a good time also. We can hang out whenever you like. It's not that I'm looking for new friends I'm just wondering why all the nudists in the Western New York region never get together and get to know each other. Nude friends are hard to find and when you come across them on here it would be nice to get to know each other. Come over anytime my friend I love having a nudist buddy to hang with .

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RE:Hanging out with nudist friends

Sounds fun. Let me know when this happens again.

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RE:Hanging out with nudist friends

Yes Barefun I'm agreeing with campguy, it would be great to meet and get to know each other. Nude friends are hard to find but it's good when you do.

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