Single Yet Married
I am the only nudist in my home. In every group I try to join I am considered a single even though I am married to a woman. I am tired j on f being treated as a single, I have no control if my wife wants to join me in the nudism world. I am not looking for someone to hook up with and I do believe that groups believe that I am looking since my wife will not join me. My wife is cool with me running around with no clothing.
- 5 years ago
Ive encountered that same thing. The coed groups in the area all claim to be open to single males, but really arent, in practice. One wears their assumptions on their sleeve, by requiring the significant others of the single male applicants to be part of the application process, so they can speak to the significant other and verify that theyre agreeable to the man being around other nude people.
- 5 years ago
I'm in the same situation here at home as I'm the nudist. wife won't. I would so much love to meet other nudist singles, women, couples, and men. If you are within the vacinity of where I am, get in touch with me, and perhaps we can have a nude coffee, or time together.
- 4 years ago