Ideal shorts?

Saw a pop up ad that called these the ideal shorts for home workouts:
Two thoughts came to my mind.
The ideal shorts for home workouts is none at all.
If you have to wear shorts for a home workout, why spend $68 for them?

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RE:Ideal shorts?

Before my ex-wife took the treadmill, I would often jog on it just running shoes or while wearing a thong or jockstrap. The same thing goes for the exercise bike. I'm over a year into planning to take up yoga and/or pilates for strengthening, toning and keeping limber. Once I take it/them up, I plan to stick to the same clothing regimen.

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RE:Ideal shorts?

They can be used for swimming and working out. Its worth $68 to me since its multipurpose. Plus I prefer to run in shorts, kinda want the support.

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