how not to campaign for your candidate

Here in the US we are in an election year. ( in case you live under a rock and did not notice) It reminded me that years ago two days before the general election in November, I was reading myself back to sleep after a middle of the night pee. I heard a car turn into my driveway so I turned out the light and went to the door. I looked out to see a man standing at the door and so I turned on the porch light to see who it was. It was a guy who lived 3/4 mile down the road. We were at most casual acquaintances and in fact I had asked him by phone if he could stop by and put some cat food out for the barn cats while I was going to be out of town for a few days. He had said yes and that he would stop by so i could show him where i would put the food. I figured that 4am was an odd time to stop by but what the hell? So i opened the door and let him step in. I could smell the alcohol on his breath right away ( that did not surprise me) . He said he " wanted to ask me a favor" Me still thinking about him feeding my cats, thought. " yeah I will help him out" Then he asked me to vote the opposite way that the yard signs pretty much showed I was planning to vote. His reasoning was " he had just lost his job and of course it was the seated governor and president's fault" ( far more likely that it was his own very irresponsible lifestyle) I told him that voting was a personal matter an sent him on his way. He never mentioned that i was standing there buck naked the entire time. He did manage to stop back during the day and see that I put the chat food in the spare car in the driveway . He again did not mention my lack of clothes . He did not change my vote. Showing up drunk at 4am is not the way to campaign.

The next summer he again stopped by again in the middle of the night. This time it was to fetch his dog out of the woods behind my house. I greeted him nude and even sat outside on the porch waiting for him to return to his car. He again made no comment i was bare.

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