Longest walk to get the paper in years

I live rural and every morning I streak out to get the paper from the curbside tube about 60ft from my front door. Today thanks to tall corn, the light of the moon and mostly thanks to the farmer finally knocking down the weeds along the edge of the field, when I went out for the paper i kept walking down the lane about 1/4 mile then doubled back and grabbed the paper and curled up under a light blanket to read it. Then dozed back off and woke up at 8am. Major sleeping in for me.
I plan that long of paper streaks as long as the temps allow.

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RE:Longest walk to get the paper in years

Good for you, life should be fun challenges! Stay nude during these trying times my friend!

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RE:Longest walk to get the paper in years

A quarter mile, that's impressive, I only have to streak up to 10m, often less if the paper is thrown onto the front porch. I'm always on the lookout as there are 6 neighbours houses beside or looking at our house front.

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