Any Lucifer fans here?
There's one of those longer scenes in S04E06 that is basically just nudists all over the place. It's set at a nudist resort or "sanctuary" called Willow Glen. It's supposed to be in Los Angeles as that's Det. Decker's jurisdiction. According to Google this place isn't real. I do believe they used a real-life nude resort as a set though.
Spoiler warning, although I'm just describing the level and extend of the nudity involved. I'm not here to write a full review of the plot of this episode or anything like that.
Ella enthusiastically makes it known she wants to tag along as soon as she hears what kind of place the current investigation is taking Lucifer and Chloe. "Parts" aside, we see what we need to see in order to know they're fully naked, e.g. Ella's body from shoulder to navel height with her hair down and split in two and covering her nipples; Lucifer's whole body seen from his side with his thigh covering his penis and leaving his butt exposed; both of them seen from behind bare-assed walking into the place etc. Chloe doesn't get naked and doesn't enter the premises until later when she's able to go in fully dressed.
It's a cool episode. They interview a lot of people and many others show up in the background. I think I saw one of the guys who are in the Good Place committee, though his face was mostly turned away from the camera so I can't be sure. I bet he was just shy and asked the production to stand in this position. This was the exception though, as all the other people that Lucifer and Ella interviewed had their faces fully in the shot like any other character in any other scene.
Anyways I wasn't expecting nudity so it was literally "a surprise, but a welcome one". I just wish it lasted longer and the production (and audience) wouldn't be so prudish about genitals and breasts. E.g. the sign at the entrance says "come one, bear all" and so they put a couple of cartoony bears on top of it for a silly pun, but even said cartoony bears hide their parts -- one by covering it with bush leaves, the other by turning their bare ass to us instead. Who exactly is going to die if a penis / pair of balls / vagina / pair of boobs are seen? /rant
Overall it was a fun scene and I guess some restricted nudity is better than no nudity. This episode was more exciting to watch than it would be without it. I wish every season had an episode set in such a place. In fact I wish all shows would do that. Make it an overused TV Trope. Make it mainstream and have the public expect no less from any new show. I believe the exposure alone, pun unintended, would gradually invite people to migrate to a far more body-positive attitude, regarding both going naked and the diversity of body shapes, sizes, self-esteem etc. We can worry about the whole problem with genitalia and breasts later.
Just imagine the Nine-Nine solving a crime in the buff like Lucifer and Ella, or maybe some getaway like somebody's honeymoon or vacation... Or a zero dress code party on The Good Place... Or the How I Met Your Mother gang deciding to go to a nude beach or resort when they learn Robin's going to interview people there... So many opportunities! Over the course of a few years and hundreds of shows, I can see the audience getting more comfortable with it, to the point of boosting nude businesses and maybe even affecting some laws in the long run. At the very least, more screen nudity would lead to the discussion. This should be on the table. This should be a part of everyday conversations. We literally got nothing to hide, eh?
But I'm just a dreamer and this isn't about my dreams. This is about a Lucifer episode. I guess I was just in a trance for a sec, caught up in telling you what it is that my heart truuuuly desires.