Club news Aug 25 of 2020
(this is a revised mailing list format)
1-August 29th Saturday BBQ
2- Access and parking
3-Those planning to attend
4-Plenty of room for more this weekend
5- August 28th Friday BBQ (small)
6-Ronald Reagan nude.
1-The crowd for the Saturday August 29th barbecue / meetup is growing. Carl from Bozeman is bringing Mexican pork nachos and regular pulled pork with coleslaw on the side. He tried the recipe just the other night and said it was delicious, I was actually getting a little hungry talking to him about it. We're also going to have beef hot dogs here as sort of a snack lunch, for those that'll be here early and want to snack on something. We can give the root beer floats a try, not sure if we'll be able to keep the ice cream cold enough. (The freezer has limited space, not sure if keeping it on ice will work). If you want to spike your root beer float you'll have to bring your own booze. The gas grill at the clubhouse is of course available as usual for those who insist on grilling their own grub. Otherwise Carl will have plenty of pulled pork available to all! It's of course free, Carl's doing it because he likes to help the club out.
2-Access is still a bit difficult. The steep drive has developed a powdery, sandy surface, (bare) with us, I'm going to move the road to a better access point but just haven't gotten to it yet. If you make it up the hill, parking is available on the road to Nate's campsite, and at the campsite adjacent to his. There's also parking available along the road up to the hot tub, and the crest of the hill just past the hot tub. If you don't want to take your vehicle up the hill there's plenty of area to park on the paved turn out across from the driveway, one of us could just drive down and pick you up.
3-Those planning to attend so far, Dave and Kathy Smith from AANR, (Association for Nude Recreation) (Dave has the former president of AANR-NW Kathy is the current treasurer of AANR National) (they were kind enough to stop by on their way through) others attending are: Duane and Annie, Tracy and Samantha, Jay, Jerry, Jack and Betty and they may be bringing another couple from Laurel, Shannon and his wife Jo. Van from Powell, and of course Carl. Anna, the girl with the parrot may also show up. I'm hopeful we'll pick up a few others between then and now, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Dave from Bozeman won't be able to make it this weekend, he is planning something next weekend. I'll let you know what those plans are as soon as I know.
4- If anyone else is able to make it this weekend let me know as soon as you can.
5- Friday the 28th of August will be the regular barbecue, probably only a handful of people. A few new members may be coming to meet that day.
6- In closing here's an interesting article I found, it's about Ronald Reagan in the nude.
(This is to make up for the Trump joke I made in the last newsletter) (some didn't find it funny) (Trump would have thought it was funny).
Ronald Reagan in the Nude: Former White House Usher Skip Allen Tells All
Ronald Reagan in the Nude: Former White House Usher Skip Allen Tells All
Skip Allen was new to his job as a White House usher when he saw more than he bargained for one day: a naked president.
(Copy and paste it)
Thank You!
Duane Jackson
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- 5 years ago