Labor Day Already ?

So summer 2020 is almost (unofficially) over - what a crappy year it's been but hope to get to Gunnison this weekend and a few more times before the flu season....I mean Fall returns. Hope everyone is well and stays that way,

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RE:Labor Day Already ?

Avoiding the holiday weekend crowds and not going this weekend.
Hope to get there one or two more times before the season ends/

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RE:Labor Day Already ?

Had a 3 day weekend off work, and naked plans all three days....however...rained most of Saturday, and grandson was here most of Sunday. Now it's Monday, and there is 0% chance of rain, and I have absolutely no reason to put on clothes. Got yard work and BBQ planned...with plenty of adult beverages being consumed...

Were you nude Saturday despite the rain?
Do you put on shorts when your grandson is around like I do?
If so is that usually the only item that you wear? Is for me.

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RE:Labor Day Already ?

Was naked Saturday indoors...Sunday was shorts and a t...have been naked since 2 pm Sunday afternoon...

Why the t?

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RE:Labor Day Already ?

My wife likes to keep the AC in the house pretty low...

Good reason. I thought you might not want your grandson to see your bare chest.
By the way, how old is he?
What does your wife wear at home?
Mine is always chilly and is fully dressed while I am nude or in just gym shorts.

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