NE Indiana Non Landed Nudist Club

Nine years ago before Diane moved from Oklahoma to NE Indiana, I was a member of Indiana Naturists, a club based out of the city which I have lived in the last 57 years. I attended as many gatherings as I could and found each to be a wonderful experience. Not only did I meet some wonderful nudists in this area but also members from Central Indiana, Southern Michigan and Western Ohio. As soon as Diane moved here my one membership became two. Diane soon enjoyed the festive gatherings at members homes as much as I did. Everyone was kind, pleasant and just a joy to be around. Some of these gatherings occurred on holidays, one I remember the most taking place on New Years Eve. Two years later our son was born. We immediately knew we wanted to raise him as a nudist also. We took him to a few of the gatherings so that he could see other adult nudist and feel comfortable around them. As he grew older we decided to focus on visiting the resort where there were other children for him to be around. All in all I would recommend to every nudist that if there's a club that you can join by all means do so. Another wonderful way to meet other nudists and have a good time doing so.

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