one person away

I was married for most all my life and now at 60 find myself single again. Most of my activities were done as a couple and I still find I am most relaxed in a group of mixed couples. If you go to an all guy place you must be gay, if you go to where there are mostly women you must be a dirty old man. When you just want to get out and not be a couch potato or stay home and stair at the boob tube. All couples are only one person away from being single. Not sure there is an answer to this but would like to hear any of your thoughts.

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  • 14 years ago
RE: one person away

Like Softon, I was hapily married for over 30 years and we did everything together. Since she died 17 months ago, I've been learning to live the single life again. It has been an adventure, including my 'coming out' as a nudist.

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  • 13 years ago