Another great morning for a walk

Just need my buddy here. No one else Id rather walk with than you.

Oh while on my walk, heard a turkey and saw a deer. Love being a country girl!

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RE:Another great morning for a walk

Great pictures! Looks like a great morning for a walk. I love living in the country as well. It's fun to see the wildlife.

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RE:Another great morning for a walk

That sounds better!!!

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RE:Another great morning for a walk

Nature walks with good company is a great start to any day.

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RE:Another great morning for a walk

We both enjoy walks. Especially nude walks. So glad we have secluded places to do that here. Unfortunately the weather is forcing our walks to come to an end very soon.

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RE:Another great morning for a walk

Know what you mean. love nude walks as well

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RE:Another great morning for a walk

I have found few places near my house that I risk my nude walks. The next place I live , I will either have land that I can walk as I please or someplace nearby that I can walk naked comfortably. I enjoy my nude walks but would love to walk without the risks.

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