Nude Coaching

I have degrees in psychology but due to board guidelines, nudity is a big no no. So I'm doing some research to see about starting a life coaching business that would allow nudity. Do you think there would be an interest in that and if so, how much would you be willing to spend?

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RE:Nude Coaching

Just a suggestion here to consider. Perhaps looking in to writing blogs about the psychology around being nude and body positive. There are so many hang ups that people have about nudity in general and even within the nudist community there is that acceptance of our bodies. Such topics to tackle are tattoos, circumcision's, erections, and other issues that are in the nudist community. Addressing these issues from you background may help people. Would it be safe to assume that you are certified/licensed as a councilor in your state. If so while doing a session in the nude would not be permitted perhaps check to what level of undress would be allowed. Also to ask do you visit a club in your area if so find out what the legal and ethical grounds of speaking with people at the club.

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