
Have a gym in my basememt work out nude all the time love the freedom

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  • 4 years ago

Same here. Gym has reopened but mask use is inconsistent. I think I will continue to work out and stay nude and stay healthy.

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  • 4 years ago

Just ordered a basic home workout system so I can permanently skip the gym and the clothes when I exercise!

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  • 4 years ago

I just finished a workout on my rowing machine which is in my three-season room. Nice and warm today, so I rowed nude. It was wonderful. No gyms for me.

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  • 4 years ago

I get a $200 health care reimbursement every year for exercise related expenses. Usually I use it to pay for gym membership at work. Due to COVID, they closed our gym on weekends and because of limited hours have suspended payroll deductions for our gym membership (so the gym has been free since March). So when someone at work asked about using the $200 towards an exercise bike, I realized this would be a good year to get a bike as well. Not really having room for a spin bike, I went with a folding recumbent bike... and the top of the line ones all cost just about $200. I will admit, riding that bike nude is a whole lot more comfortable than riding in shorts and a tee shirt.

Mrs. J&C just had a biopsy done on her knee. Once it heals up, the stitch comes out and her doctor gives the OK she will start using the bike, too. She already knows the home gym is nude use only! if this works out, I'll have to quit the gym and clean out an area in the basement for a proper home gym. Then every year I can slowly keep adding to the equipment.

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  • 4 years ago

I get a $200 health care reimbursement every year for exercise related expenses. Usually I use it to pay for gym membership at work. Due to COVID, they closed our gym on weekends and because of limited hours have suspended payroll deductions for our gym membership (so the gym has been free since March). So when someone at work asked about using the $200 towards an exercise bike, I realized this would be a good year to get a bike as well. Not really having room for a spin bike, I went with a folding recumbent bike... and the top of the line ones all cost just about $200. I will admit, riding that bike nude is a whole lot more comfortable than riding in shorts and a tee shirt.Mrs. J&C just had a biopsy done on her knee. Once it heals up, the stitch comes out and her doctor gives the OK she will start using the bike, too. She already knows the home gym is nude use only! if this works out, I'll have to quit the gym and clean out an area in the basement for a proper home gym. Then every year I can slowly keep adding to the equipment.

I should look into a recumbent bike. I have a basic regular bike in the basement but rarely use it due to a combination of not being comfortable to do nude and boredom riding it. I guess if I get the bike, the next move would be a small TV to solve the boredom issue.

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  • 4 years ago

I plan to keep my mountain bike at Solair next summer. Bring yours when you visit we can go for a ride.

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  • 4 years ago

I plan to keep my mountain bike at Solair next summer. Bring yours when you visit we can go for a ride.

Ill have to see if my bike rack fits on the new car. Its a portable trunk-mount one, so Im not sure about driving at highway speed down the Mass Pike with the bike! Maybe it will interest C to get a bike.

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  • 4 years ago

I should look into a recumbent bike. I have a basic regular bike in the basement but rarely use it due to a combination of not being comfortable to do nude and boredom riding it. I guess if I get the bike, the next move would be a small TV to solve the boredom issue.

It has a seat instead of a saddle, so it is more comfortable. And being portable, for now I use it in the spare bedroom with a TV.

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  • 4 years ago

sounds like fun

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  • 4 years ago

Just ordered a basic home workout system so I can permanently skip the gym and the clothes when I exercise!
Exercise equipment arrived a few days ago and finished assembling it last night.
Will be trying it out, nude of course, in a few minutes when I am fully awake.

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  • 4 years ago