There are monthly events for 20-somethings at a men's resort in Maine
Calling any adventurous dudes who could use an excuse to visit Maine:
I've been going with friends to a men-only, clothing-optional resort/campground hidden in the woods of central Maine (in Albion, near China and Waterville) named Twin Ponds Lodge for several years now. We go for an all-day-all-night event there the last Friday of every month that's geared toward college-aged guys, with themed parties, ball games and card/board games, swimming, potluck meals, movies, and other fun activities. If you are a college student or in your 20s (or 30s) or KNOW any friends in that age bracket, please spread the word and go check out the place with me and the guys. TPL is open year-round and is open to any males over age 18.