Navy base locker rooms
I was in for 6 years and have used gang showers , open toilet area's with up to 80 men at a time , loved it all , walked hard from bunk to showers , lots of nude time spent with each other , buzz cutting each others hair nude , sauna , working out in the gym
A lot of casual nudity in the navy for me. Aboard ship was best as it was given that you slept Nude because Of the lack of a/c. We had two berthing areas sharing a bathroom area between. So given with 3 shifts there was always someone there walking to and from showers. Most of us freeballed in our coveralls anyway.
A lot of casual nudity in the navy for me. Aboard ship was best as it was given that you slept Nude because Of the lack of a/c. We had two berthing areas sharing a bathroom area between. So given with 3 shifts there was always someone there walking to and from showers. Most of us freeballed in our coveralls anyway.
Perfect !!!
Same for me. I had 1 and half year of training when I was 18 in the Army.Many guys were very ok with nudity.
One, army draws on working class folks more than other social classes. The uptight bougie shit about bad bodies is not as infected into the working class. There's close quarters and no privacy. Young men being bonded and broken in ways too. The first nude guy is brave... second too... 3rd meh. Then the pressure is to conform to the standard ... nude
I was in for 6 years and have used gang showers , open toilet area's with up to 80 men at a time , loved it all , walked hard from bunk to showers , lots of nude time spent with each other , buzz cutting each others hair nude , sauna , working out in the gym
Sounds awesome