Partly cloudy, with a forecast maximum of 21C (70F). While our northern friends seem to be thinking of getting out and about with such a forecast, at Sunnyside, only a few have decided to eek out one more day of a dying summer. Onshore breezes and a high tide leave little sand while there is a lot of foam for a spot on Port Phillip. Still, the sun is warm, at least while those thick clouds remain in the distance. Bliss.
Clear skies and a 23C forecast saw around 60 at Sunnyside today (many may still be there!). The water has cooled (16C) so not many ventured into the water, but it felt warm in the sun. Good for walking, laying out and catching up with friends, as some always seem to do. A few boats were off the shore, for the fishing by the looks of it rather than the views. Others were still arriving as I left.