Let me get this straight -- your leaving the society because of their support for BLM.... that moves you squarely into the middle of the racist category for me. Personally I see the difference between the two issues but WTF - go don your MAGA hat and have a nice life.
I find it fascinating for people to say that "religion and politics" should not enter into the nudist society but when a person of color goes to a landed nudist club and sees huge banners supporting Trump at campsites, it's difficult to imagine they feel welcome. Are the anti-BLM people asking for the Trump banners to be taken down? What about clubs that have religious chapels? Should they be taken down?How many people of color have you seen at your club? How many are permanent members? It's so easy for a person with white privilege, be unaware and wishing to stay unaware of what Black people in our society go through.
Actually I said the TNSF organization itself should remain "APOLITICAL" - - A local landed club can do as it pleases as it represent the people who attend that club and if and when the people stop attending - they will change their ways... AND what have you actually done to help Black Lives - did you sell your house (bought with white privilege money and mortgage? Did you move into the inner city and find a nice cozy section 8 apartment? Give your car away (hopefully to a black person) - and begin using the most ineffective public transit you could find? Most WHITE BLM supporters do nothing but lip service / march for the BLM movement - Nancy Pelosi didn't even offer them any of there $100 a pint ice cream from her $10K freezer... How about the inner city public schools - not sure if you have children - you wouldn't send them there if you did...
I could care less how any one individual feels about whatever (politics/religion) - can dis associate from them... if you can't see that a national organization that represents both sides of an ideology should remain APOLITICAL - I can only agree to disagree with you...
I just e-mailed them in agreement with their support of Black Lives Matter and desire to be allies to the black community. Thank you for providing me their e-mail address. I am sure they don't need bigots amongst their members. Sometimes things work out in the end.
I am happy I found them a new supporter.... hopefully financially.... I actually think it's funny that you judged me as a bigot (you have no idea who I am or what causes I support). I'm for NUDIST rights - every color / gender / orientation / political affiliation - there MISSION statement states the same thing... guess you wouldn't know that as you are a new NUDIST and didn't even know there was a NATIONAL organization for nudist rights! Glad to educate you to the nudist cause... probably missed the picture on the front of the group page key word "ANY" -
Good for you.I shall also let them know of my support.
Support them with your dollars too.... National Nudist organization run on a very finite budget - - I'm happy to send them another donor and member... NUDE RIGHTS for all!!
Let me get this straight -- your leaving the society because of their support for BLM.... that moves you squarely into the middle of the racist category for me. Personally I see the difference between the two issues but WTF - go don your MAGA hat and have a nice life.
What about the blacks who don't support BLM - they must be racist too... OH no sorry - they are UNCLE TOM'S - I clearly see the difference between the 2 issues too... but one BLM should have a racial element - and a NATIONAL organization representing NUDIST - should be APOLITICAL... and stay on target with there mission STATEMENT and vision... please support TNSF with your monthly donation... NUDIST right fights are expensive - - and God knows we need more places to be naked / free / and left alone!!
I just e-mailed them in agreement with their support of Black Lives Matter and desire to be allies to the black community. Thank you for providing me their e-mail address. I am sure they don't need bigots amongst their members. Sometimes things work out in the end.I am happy I found them a new supporter.... hopefully financially.... I actually think it's funny that you judged me as a bigot (you have no idea who I am or what causes I support). I'm for NUDIST rights - every color / gender / orientation / political affiliation - there MISSION statement states the same thing... guess you wouldn't know that as you are a new NUDIST and didn't even know there was a NATIONAL organization for nudist rights! Glad to educate you to the nudist cause... probably missed the picture on the front of the group page key word "ANY" -
SO sorry - they key word is "ALL" - - guess that would include "ANY" too!
I am not American and I refused to live there despite being offered an increased revenue. In the last decade or so, for various reasons, I have also been avoiding travelling to the US. So this is a very outside view but...What is really sad is that BLM is considered POLITICAL. I can quote many figures (I am into social science and statistics) which prove that 1. US police is overzealous (25% of world's prisoner population is imprisoned in the Land of the Free) 2. Police is very violent and trained to kill in the US (look at the ratio people killed by police/ police killed and compare to other countries'). 3. There is systematic discrimination against POC (look at the ratio between POC and whites charged with usage).We have also been witnessing police killing dozens of black people for zero reason. So yes, there are structural problems with US police (although racism is likely not the biggest of them, insufficient vetting, training, accountability and organisation are more important and I can prove this with data).As such I think BLM is a reasonable movement which can be supported at any level. The problem is that it has been politicized. This is sad but it is a social reality. I will really support the BLM movement when I see that they also say Brown Lives Matter. Bush Jr dropped 70,000 bombs in 8 years. Obama, 100,000. Trump, 72,000 in 4 years. The time it took me to write this, 2 innocent brown civilians were killed by a US drone. But I get it, they are not US citizens so not "real people".
Everything here in US has been politicized!! EVERYTHING! What restaurants to eat at / car types / NOW sadly - skin color!! Love your outside view... REALLY like in the land of the free so many locked up!! Probably one of the most anti-body accepting countries too!
ALL of your points about police are acceptable - - REFORM yes indeed / dismantle - NO! Thank you for your input!
The one great thing about this country and this site is it allow everyone to express themselves....
We are leaving TNSF - everyone who feels differently - PLEASE HELP them continue the EFFORT to fight for NUDIST rights. We have not given up on NUDISM as a cause ... we always have AANR - and we can pledge to help them with our funds and efforts to get more people involved!! WE travel to more nudist venues than most people / we see value in every person and WILL not allow others to work to divide society into manageable groups... We accept ALL people - PERIOD!
IMAGINE - if the article would have been about BLUE lives matter (how wonderfully the police organizations accepted nudist) and it was time for ALL nudist to stop bitching about nudist right and back LAW ENFORCEMENT! WE'd use the magazine to start fires in the fire pit! POLITICAL / DIVISIVE issues should remain personal - - BEST NUDE WISHES TO ALL... especially to all BLM NUDIST!!
Your views are a true eye opener. I definitely understand your reason for not wanting to come to the USA for any reason. I get it. We need more people like yourself speaking on these issues and others. You have a way of saying things that can ultimately shift perspectives. Keep going bruv. I'm listening.