RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

Since crazy Donald had conquered the White House, everything has been politically abused. Abuse of the police, abuse of normal citizens, just to assure a good and easy life for weapon fanatics and Jewish billionaires. And, to finish that all Crazy
Donald refuses to leave White House.
Well, somebody told me that the word "Jewish" is a nazi word. For me it is the same religious classification as "Christian" or "Hindu" or "Moslem". In this sense I keep it written.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

It's a crazy world we live in. So much division. So much hatred. There will probably be some who will de-friend me for this post. So be it, it has happened to me before. I just love this country, MY country. Feel free to hate me for that, but I won't hate you for hating me. Sorry this was off topic, just had to say my peace.

Sorry, but I wont hate you or consider your thoughts off topic but rather respect you for speaking your truth. Isnt that what nudism is about, being authentic and vulnerable? I struggle with all labels including conservative constitutionalist. What are we trying to conserve: freedom, democracy and equality OR wealth, entitlement and privilege as middle-aged white men? Are we willing to acknowledge theyre not always one and the same? And what part of the constitution do we adhere to, the part about slaves/blacks being 4/5 human or that all men/people are created equal? Or the part about weapons being a right, or the part immediately following regarding a state-sanctioned armed militia to protect the common good? If the interpretation is that private individuals should be allowed to carry assault style weapons at their leisure, and police are afraid of getting killed by them on a whim, are we acknowledging both personal freedom AND the civic responsibility implicit in the US constitution?
There are no simple answers, but we ALL love our country by living in that tension. For me the current bridge to gap is between the traditional white privilege I was blessed with and the talking points of BLM et al. So I show up and listen to find a path to a better future for all of us, one which hopefully has a healthy degree of naked integrity intact. And this is why your post in this naturism/nudism forum remains a great start for the day.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

Let me get this straight -- your leaving the society because of their support for BLM.... that moves you squarely into the middle of the racist category for me. Personally I see the difference between the two issues but WTF - go don your MAGA hat and have a nice life.What about the blacks who don't support BLM - they must be racist too... OH no sorry - they are UNCLE TOM'S - I clearly see the difference between the 2 issues too... but one BLM should have a racial element - and a NATIONAL organization representing NUDIST - should be APOLITICAL... and stay on target with there mission STATEMENT and vision... please support TNSF with your monthly donation... NUDIST right fights are expensive - - and God knows we need more places to be naked / free / and left alone!!

The BLM idealogy and the BLM socalled organization are quite distinct.Naturist Society supporting the idealogy that Black Lives Matter is not about politics but about humanity and reaffirming that stand to be truly inclusive and equal.Theres also racism and bias in naturist circles which i experience so yes Naturist Society is commendable for taking a stand

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

Things are not always as they appear on the surface. That's actually more frequently the case than it being clear. I watch what goes on from my hideout back in the forest and try to analyse it. It's abundantly clear to my view that the BLM movement is only a cover for something really nasty. An attempted takeover by socialist/communist groups. They have infiltrated, gotten a lot of influential men on their side, and are attempting to take control from within through the democratic party using all the fraud and deception they think they can get away with to accomplish it. But I'm not worried that they will actually be successful in taking America over for socialism. because I know it ultimately won't work. I'm also watching capitalism break down because greed for money and power has corrupted it badly. I also know exactly how bible prophecy has been fulfilled precisely all down through the ages, and what I'm watching now is a setup that's getting ready to finish it off. The discussion and moves from various religious bodies are heading right toward bringing on the 'mark of the beast' and because they do not know the prophecy, how it was fulfilled in the past, they and virtually everyone is blind to what they are doing. Due to careful study of prophetic revelations in the bible and subsequent 'prophets', comparing it with history and matching it up, then seeing how it is continuing to be fulfilled. I can predict just about what is going to happen before long.

Evil is going to get worse and worse, until such a point at which God looking on from above says "that's enough, I'm going to put a check on it" and He drops severe judgements in sudden destruction aimed at some of the worst of the prevailing iniquity. It will be such an obvious 'God thing' it will wake everyone up, make them realize there really is a God and He's offended with our wickedness. And there will ensue a massive turning back to God movement in society. But due to a lack of people's understanding of God's word and prophecy, they will take it too far into legislating into law religious observance, thinking to please God by encouraging everyone to go back to church. But when they tie the observance of Sunday into our financial system. Requiring everyone to agree to observe the national day of rest every week in order to maintain financial function. That will be the mark of the beast in disguise. Almost no one recognizing it for what it actually is, and making it extremely difficult to refuse it. Condemning everyone who is against it as if they were against all reform. First of all. God cannot and will not accept forced worship. Second it so happens that Sunday observance is a modification of God's law that was done by the beast power of prophecy way back in the middle ages. And therefore it becomes the mark of the beast's power over God's law in the end times. It's going to be real hard for most all professed Christians to wrap their minds around that when they've been observing Sunday all their lives, they will not be able or willing to see it. Only a few will see what it is in reality. But then because of the extreme social and economic pressure placed on society to accept it, the most prominent Christian church which has advocated for observing the true Sabbath on Saturday will be urging for compromise, it's leaders pushing for all their churches to switch over to Sunday observance to conform to popular demand. And at that point God will be fed up with their compromise and burn out their headquarters and institution all around the world with obvious divine fire. (prophecy of Ezekiel 9 fulfilled) but the media of the world grabs up the story and misinterprets it completely. Proclaiming "God hate's Sabbath keepers" not knowing the inside story.

But God does it and allows that to happen to clean up the church. Some time not too long after that the ark of the covenant will be brought out of the cave where it was placed by Jeremiah, and the original 10 commandments written on stone by the finger of God shown to the world by a significant miraculous event. Plus revealing how it was in the cave directly underneath the crucifixion site where Jesus died, and His blood ran down a crack in the rock and spilled on the mercy seat of the ark over God's law. Direct literal fulfilment of the sacrificial system of ancient Israel. Everyone will first see it like it is, in ancient Hebrew script, but then start seeing it in their own language with a glow of light around it, which glow changes in appearance to emphasize the first 4 command over the last 6, and then emphasize the 4th command over the others as of special import for us now. God trying to tell everyone how important it is to Him, that we keep it as originally intended in honour of Him as our Creator.

After that times goes on with horrendous disasters kicking the earth off it's orbit so badly everyone will know that life on earth is doomed unless God fixes it, The devil puts on a big second coming of Christ act tricking everyone possible into thinking he is Christ. And he promotes Sunday observance in honour of himself. condemning all who refuse as offending God. All who refuse to worship him will be condemned as offending God and God won't fix the earth's deadly course untill they are eliminated supposedly. So that brings on a worldwide death decree against them. But when the date is set and arrives for that to happen. That will be the end of the line for planet earth. Another Mordecai/Haman scene will take place where God flips things around backwards and those who've been faithful to His law will be rescued. (Even though a lot of them were killed before already)
This whole scenario has been predicted, and I'm watching it begin to be set up to set it into motion. I tell ya'll now because when it gets going all those who know the truth will be cut off and not be heard on any media like the internet. And so that when it happens just as predicted you can't think back to what you read here and realize it was all true. So even if you find what I say to be totally unbelievable. Just be sure to remember it, and wait and watch, and see what happens. It will happen. And it might just start next year. I hope it delays some more giving us more time to get ready. But if not, let it run.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

Respectfully, I don't think that claim about BLM is substantiated.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

Thanks Athens for a thoughtful post on the subject.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

Thanks Athens for a thoughtful post on the subject.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

Thanks Athens for a thoughtful post on the subject.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

I appreciate your thoughtful comments, StoneAndy. Rock on.

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RE:Very disappointed and disgusted with The Naturist Society Foundation

I liked your post regarding BLM , but want to offer a thought. Saying that you will support BLM when they include brown people is a common but puzzling sentiment. It is sort of like saying that I will support the breast cancer society when they admit that testicular cancer is just as bad.

In fact, the movement does include and reach out to all people of color. In America the problem faced by African Americans is shared by all Americans to varying degrees. Bad policing affects all of us. It is just easiest to see in the stark difference between the way that white and black defendants are treated.

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