RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you .

Good evening everyone!

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you .

Goodnight all

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you .

A very painful click from Wales. Lasted an hour in work before I had no choice but to come home. Physio later, hoping he can fix my back at least temporarily.

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you .

Good morning everyone!

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank

Good Wednesday morning click.

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you .

Sunny but freezing hump day click! get better,Tony!!!

Thanks! Physio eased things a little but it looks like a longer term thing.

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank

Good afternoon on a very slooooow loading day. Took me eight tries to get to this page. Tony I empathize with you. There's nothing worse than a bad back 'cause it affects all parts of the body when you move and its hard not to tighten up the muscles even when sitting/lying still.

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank

Thanks for your kind words everyone. Got a referral to xray and stronger meds. It's just good to see things moving in the right direction finally! Hope things get sorted for you Mieke. Click.

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank

Good Evening all.

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ......

Good Thurs. morning before the day before the weekend

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