RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Glad you had a good timeTony. How did the back hold up?

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

A Saturday click, as he procrastinates finishing his income taxes

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Glad you had a good timeTony. How did the back hold up?
Had to come home half way through the evening for tablets & go back to the pub but otherwise it was ok thanks. Think the alcohol may have numbed me lol.
Sunny Sunday morning click!

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Wonderfull sunny day in Sydney - Goodnight all.

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Sunny Sunday morning click

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Happy Sunday on the first (here anyway) day of Daylight Saving Time

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Sunday click

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Good monday morning click

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Monday morning click. Looks like yet another week off work

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RE: 1 minute for breast cancer - Please do this!!!! ...... Thank you~!

Such a sad evening as I listen to the news from Japan. 'Night.

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