Mo-System Definitions. Coagulation of energy expansions . What is considered a cancer cell in Mo-System definitions is an inhibition of an energy skin pigmentation capability to ignite to tint the surrounding tissues skin cells so it coagulates at a potential space creating what is known as cancer. To develop a natural condition representing a cancer cell the body needs to flow energy at its most potential references. Your mind must be free and clear to retain its potentials for energy flow complex through the body. For that you would need to self realized that you are energy with coexistent energy formulations for development. In essence your energy complex solutions need to be compressive for definitions of expansion complex to avoid coagulation of matter in your system.
Simple terms dont be oppressed by the word cancer, be compressive-the energy compressive state of mind is already a natural solution for cancers cells coagulation.. Generate happiness through compressive complexities.
Compressive complexities are all related to orgasmic complex energy resolutions. Adapting to sensuality and sexuality from the complex, the center of your structure can help you to get read of cancer from complex activities with thinking patterns.
MannyOceans Inventor Mo System Language