I live camping forest lifestyle

Gday from Australia, in 2016 I bought a forest for conservation and private campground. Its almost 2021 now I am loving every naked day in the glorious sunshine until the cool of the night fills the forest and still allows a fully naked night with or without a campfire as it is now, drought again with rain in sight. I really have begun to enjoy life more simply and natural. All natural.
There is no internet or cell phone coverage at camp, 11 acres next to a national park and nestled between mountains. Ancient lands once volcanic under the ocean now a mixture of rainforest, dry forest and grasslands here in the valley along a rocky creek where Im setup on both sides, 3 minutes to walk between them, until the rise of rushing waters prevent any crossing, even by foot.
I began sharing this journey on my @odcctv Instagram account but found it unprofitable in every way. Just robots it felt. Therefore I stoped sharing my solo life experiences and depression set in like Ive never felt. Connecting with people especially like minded people is very healthy for mind body & soul I discovered after giving Patreon.com/SolomonForestCampground a go and very quickly connected me with real people wanting to enjoy the real life I am living. To live my truest self is my goal. Ive always taken and given pleasure in my photography and self videos growing up and now Ive found a place it can be shared safely online. Ive received so many wonderful messages from people in lockdown that have escaped to my place virtually. It is my passion and will continue with Conservation Done Different, Done Naked!
Maybe someday, maybe from here on TN I will find a like minded person to join this evolving and growing forest project. Time will tell and so will I regularly on patreon.com/SolomonForestCampground a paid subscription service to fund this conservation project with nudist lifestyle entertainment & education & social companionship.
My name is Christian and welcome you to nudist friendship in the forest. If you know anyone who may be interested in my full time nudist camping lifestyle and wants to watch or join me, send them a shout out.
Thanks for reading and happy days to your nude body!

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RE:I live camping forest lifestyle

Looks interesting, do you hunt/forage for meals? It seems very Walt Whitman of a life choice.

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RE:I live camping forest lifestyle

I'm jealous! I would love to be doing what you are doing!

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