Pool or darts

We have a question. Which is more fun naked pool or naked darts.

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RE:Pool or darts

Okay thought long and hard on your question. I could not pick between them, I personally find both equally enjoyable in the nude.However if I could only pick one, it'd be pool.

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RE:Pool or darts

I dont play pool. So darts for me

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RE:Pool or darts

I say pool, but it wasn't an easy decision.

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RE:Pool or darts

Darts, but only because I have a dart board

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RE:Pool or darts

Fun question. Guess I would have to say naked pool, just because it is a little more active or chatty--and people who might not be playing can watch or make wisecracks. All good fun for sure.

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RE:Pool or darts

Pool, 100%. No sharp objects involved.

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RE:Pool or darts

I am pretty bad at pool and even worse at darts, so if it was a strip pool or darts type game where the loser sheds a piece of clothing, I would pick darts so I would be the first one naked. If it was a game where everyone started out naked I would pick pool.

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RE:Pool or darts

We have a question. Which is more fun naked pool or naked darts.

Combine the two activities, set the dart board up next to the pool, then get in the water and throw the darts.

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RE:Pool or darts

Id play either, but Id prefer pool.

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RE:Pool or darts

...so if it was a strip pool or darts type game where the loser sheds a piece of clothing...

I would think that as nudists, we'd play games where we put an item of clothing back on! LOL

For me, I prefer pool (not that I'm any better at pool than at darts lol).

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