Getting Ready for Christmas.
I was in my "nightwear" this week without even the wedding ring. Room temp was 57 F and I was comfortable at my desk. As for getting ready for Christmas, I proclaim that I am always ready. I don't shop, write cards, or decorate. It's not a Bah! Humbug! thing. It is just something that happened after divorce and it has stayed that way.
I've found that a simple flannel shirt and nothing else is comfortable at our current house temperature of 72F.
We keep our house at 68. Perhaps I should raise the temperature. Shirt only doesn't work for me. My feet, crotch and rear get cold before my shoulders and chest.
We do lower the temperature to 64 at night.
In the summer, we only run the AC ant 76 and some rooms stay even warmer than that.
That way, I can be nude any time in the summer unless we have company and often only wear shorts whne we do.